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Mastermind Session

3X Your Results With Multi-Channel Church Campaigns

Need great results for your next project or program?  Create a fully Strategic Campaign - using our 3X Multi-Channel Church Campaign Strategy. 

Access Your Church Campaign Strategy Map Here:

Mastermind Session

Real Relationships From Digital Connections

Join us as we talk to outreach Pastor and Founding Director of Boaz Global - Scott Wood, about how he grows real relationships with digital communications.  

Scott shares: 
>How following up with live streaming viewers has created a new opportunity for ministry 
>How one of his online connections is now blessing a group of over 10 individuals
>How he created a 100,000+ meals fundraising campaign and hit the goal with real-time Facebook updates/requests! You’ve got to hear this! 
>And More!

Mastermind Session

Reach Thousands In Your Community Using Online Church Leverage

Many online levers help us reach thousands of people in our communities very quickly.  We're demonstrating our Leverage Strategy across 9 unique online sources.  

After the training you should be ready to tap into these strategies and reach more people than ever

Mastermind Session 

Maximizing Zoom For Your Church

Join us as we hit all the Zoom critical components including: 
  • Setting Up Your Zoom Account
  • Getting People On Zoom 
  • Get Everyone Comfortable 
  • Get Everyone Engaged
  • The Host With The Most 
  • And Fun With Zoom! 

Mastermind Session

Maximize Your Live Stream With Messaging & Engagement

1. Promotion Documentation

2. Engagement Messaging for Live-Stream
3. Shortened URLs Setup   
4. URL Activity Reports Monthly
5. Stream Viewer engagement report monthly
6. Optimized SEO Youtube Content Monthly (Title, Descriptions, Tags)  
7. Replay messaging content:
8. Retargeting Pixel
9. Monthly Ad campaign & report with impressions and clicks
10. Pre service Video 
11. Post service Video 
12. Monthly Mastermind


Engage Your Audience With Messaging, Tracking & Analytics, And Re-Engagement

Engagement Messaging

Click Here For Your Engagement Messaging

Make your live streaming broadcasts a 2-way conversation! 

Shortened Track-able URLs

Your customized URLs have been emailed to you.  Use them in your live streams to track your call-to-actions. 

URL Activity Reports 

Each month, we'll email you the activity of your custom shortened URLs. 

Stream Viewer Engagement Reports

A monthly report sent to you to see how is engaging in your live streams, and giving you the opportunity to follow up.

Your "Fill-In-The-Blanks" Guide to Broadcasting & Promotion 

Promotion Messaging For Email, FB Posts, Instagram Posts, Texting, FB Private Messages

Pre-Written Live Stream Titles & Descriptions


SEO Youtube

We create optimized and discover-able service videos by updating your Video Title and Descriptions each month. 

Replay Messaging

Click here for your done-for-you messaging to promote and share your Church live stream video recordings. 

Retargeting Pixel 

With your pixel installed on our website we automatically create an audience for you to help promote your Church services and programs. 

Retargeting Campaign

We run and ad campaign for you to help you reach your community.  And we'll send you a report on that reach every month. 


Open and Close Your Church Live Stream Effectively! 

We've emailed you customized service opening and closing videos to add to the effectiveness of your live stream.  
Join us every month as a group of Churches with the goal of growing ministry online. 

New training's every month including: 

  • Amazing virtual small groups 
  • Reach everyone with texting and FB PM's 
  • Facebook engagement advertising 
  • Email campaigns vs newsletters
  • Reach the world with your podcast 
  • And more!